So, I am hunting for MicroMeteorites (MM) in the sea sediments I recovered at almost 1500m deep North East Gran Canaria (Spain). This is my first deep sea sediment extraction and the first time I analyze such sediments.

The sediments contain rather few magnetic particles and very few spherical magnetic particles. As a consequence there are quite few MM to be find. But still, it is a good new the sediments are uncontaminated (or almost uncontaminated) by anthropic spherules.

Two experts in micrometeorites accepted to give me a help. These are Scötte Peterson, from Mineasota in the USA and Jon Larsen from Olso, Norway, author of the book "In the Search of Star Dust". I sent them some samples of the sediments. Scötte already received the samples and immediately found a nice barred olivine in them. Jon Larsen should receive the samples in the next days.

In the meanwhile I found a few micrometeorites pretenders. Very small all of them.

Here is a picture of one of them: 

This picture has been done using a metallurgical microscope and some computer stuff. The picture is nice but it does not show the main body of the particle is actually semi-translucid. Not 100% convincing as an extraterrestrial material.

The best would be to make an EDS analysis using an electronic microscope but I do not have access to this extremely expensive facilities.

The next approach was to try to take a picture showing the translucid material. To do that I had to discard my brand new metallurgical microscope and make my own device with a camera and some lenses. I still have to learn about that. Here is the first attempt:

I tried to make it extremely rigid but I failed somehow: the images are blurry due to external vibrations. I ended building a seismic detector !

Still I was able to take this picture of the same particle I mentioned before:

I will have to redo the DIY camera support and lighting (it will take long as I will have to buy some parts). The image is less sharp and some details have been lost. But the translucidity is now visible. Additionally, the particle seams to have a very slight aerodynamical shape. I would personally think this is a glassy olivine micrometeorite with a iron-nickel bead. But I also admit it is a bit unclear.

Please, feel free to leave your comments.



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